Author´s Instructions for Manuscript Preparation for
the International Conference „Coatings and Layers 2024
ENGLISH TITLE OF CONTRIBUTION (Times New Roman, 14 point-Bold-Large-Left)
Line-spacing 12 pt.
Slovak or czech title in case of slovak or czech participants (Times New Roman, 14 pt.-Bold-Large-Left)
Line-spacing 12 pt.
Surname M.(First name)1, Surname L.(First name)2 (Times New Roman, 12 pt.-Italics-Left)
1Company, City, State, Tel., e-mail (Times New Roman, 10 pt., Left)
2Company, City, State, Tel., e-mail (Times New Roman, 10 pt., Left)
Line-spacing 12 pt.
Abstract (Times New Roman, 12 pt..-Bold, text 10pt.-Italics, Left, English language)
Line-spacing 12 pt.
The contribution are to be submitted in Slovak, Czech or English language, The total length of the paper should be 6 pages A4 size and margins: left 2.25 cm, right 2.25 cm, upper 3.0cm, lower 2.0 cm, including figures, tables and references. In case of invited papers 8 pages are accepted. Please, use the True Type fonts only from Windows (Times New Roman CE with 10 pt.). At the beginning of the paper arrange abstract and key words.
Line-spacing 12 pt.
INTRODUCTION, CHARTERS, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 12 pt..-Bold-Large, Left, first line with indentation 1cm)
The paper will be additionally processed by computer in DTP software, so it must be delivered by e-mail. You can use one of following text editors for IBM PC: Microsoft Word96, 97 or higher. Please send your contribution on CD or by e-mail with one print of it (including all copies of figures). Please provide page numbers written in pencil at the bottom of each text page on the back of the sheet.
Line-spr acing 12 pt.
Illustrations, figures and tables (Times New Roman, 10 pt..-Italics-Large, Left or Center or Right)
All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction. They should accompany the manuscript and should be included within the text leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. All figures and tables have to have a caption. Photographs should have good quality with magnification markers included in photography on the right. Photographs must be scanned and also inserted into the text of your contribution and filed separately in addition in graphical format TIF, GIF, BMP or JPG. The required resolution for scanned photographs is 300 dpi.
Line-spacing 12 pt.
REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 12 pt., text-10pt. Left)
The DEADLINE for receiving your
manuscript is 5th October 2024.